Thursday, March 31, 2016


"Trip" is the second album from Cause & Effect after the death of one of the founding members, Sean Rowley.  I first discovered this group in the mid 90's when I was buying up old 80's CDs from my youth.  I'd troll through used record stores and pick up discs from bands I'd loved in High School.  Although Cause & Effect weren't a part of the 80's experience, they wrote and released music heavily inspired by 80's New Wave sounds.  In the 90's, the only bands doing this kind of music were the 80's groups who survived and continued to release music to their dedicated fans.  Most of the new artists were moving in other directions.  Very few celebrated their 80's roots.

When I heard about them, I was excited to pick up their album.  At first, I wasn't sure of what to make of them.  I liked what I was hearing, but my tastes were evolving.  I didn't realize it at the time.  I was opening up to new sounds and styles.  I actually thought their first effort was somewhat boring.  However, I changed my mind over time when I gave it a chance to grow on me.  I had no idea the band had lost a member when this disc came out.  I remember seeing it in the used CD bin at a record store in Vegas and I picked it up.  I hadn't followed the group so I didn't know any of their singles or videos.  

I remember loving the disc more than the first one.  That is about half way through.  And then it lost me.  As I listen to it now, I think my current reaction is the same.  The disc has a dramatic opening with 'It's Over Now'.  The Indian/Oriental intro abruptly transforming into a wailing siren heralds the start of the track.  Once it starts, it doesn't stop.  The verses are laid back and easy to get into, but the chorus is where the real punch is thrown.  It's ramped up, energetic and dynamic all rolled into one.  I would always imagine this song as the concert opener and I wouldn't be surprised if it was the track they preferred to open with.

It eventually devolves and segues into the second track, 'Inside Out'.  This is another strong tune with a great build.  The chorus doesn't gut punch you the same way, but the impact is no less effective.  It's a more subdued track.  Back to back, these two songs are amazing together.  The third track is 'Alone' and this one sorta pulls the chair out from under you.  It's slower and somewhat out of place.  Still, the chorus is redeeming and you get some satisfaction out of it.  

'In Shakespeare's Garden' is up next and this is another one like the first two that seems to come from someplace else.  The beat is uplifting and gets you moving.  The chorus is infectious and absolutely perfect.  This is probably my favorite track on the record.  'You Are The One' keeps the pace going and is a strong song, though compared to the rest of the disc, it's probably my least favorite.  Funny how my favorite and least favorite are so close to each other.  

This is where I start to lose interest in the disc.  The rest of the songs are ok, but they're not exceptional.  I sorta tune them out when listening to the record and just get through.  'Soul Search' is the first and even now, I couldn't tell you what the song is actually about.   It's followed by another similar number, 'Stone Girl'.  'She Said' is next and it's a slow track.  Hard to sit through.

Next up is 'Sinking'.  Once again, we're subjected to another slow song.  The final track is 'Crash'.  The disc ends on a high note with this song.  If you swapped this number for 'She Said' you'd have one perfect side to this record.

I really am 50/50 on this record.  The songs I like, I absolutely love and the rest, I don't care for at all.  They sound generic, basic to me.  There's nothing interesting to it at all.  I'm still interested in this group and I'd like to hear more.  But we'll see what happens.  For now I'll end it by saying my final words:  ONE AMAZING HALF OF A POTENTIALLY INCREDIBLE RECORD.

01. It's Over Now
02. Inside Out
03. Alone
04. In Shakespeare's Garden
05. You Are The One
06. Soul Search
07. Stone Girl
08. She Said
09. Sinking
10. Crash                                                                                         

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