Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Right off the bat, I thought I was listening to something Wendy & Lisa would of put on "Eroica" or "Girl Bros."  The first number is '( )'.  I've taken to calling it Bookends.  This is a complicated song.  There's a lot happening musically and the aggressive turns it takes are softened greatly by Laura Fisher's surprisingly versatile voice.  At one point, you feel like you're sitting in a downstairs Italian bistro listening to a live acoustic guitar and piano.  It progresses into a strong verse and chorus before transforming into a Smashing Pumpkins rant!  It then subsides and makes room for some vocal sparing before completely blending everything you've heard into a wild spinning dervish.  Let me be completely honest with you...  This song has no potential at all of getting radio play.  But it's phenomenal!  And if this is what we have to expect from LITS, I'm on board!

'Clever Dolphin' makes use of ethereal keyboards to create the feeling of ocean, but then moves into a sinister minor progression.  This song gives me the impression of a dreamscape being described by a waking dreamer caught unaware.  It has the magical intensity of an Owl City track except there's no happy ending here.  There's the hope of resolution.  There are no answers.  Once more, there's some vocal harmonizing with Mike Britt; the second half of this duo.  His voice compliments Fisher's.  The next number is 'Defective Angel' and Britt takes over on lead vocals.  This tune reminds of Shiny Toy Guns.  

Fourth on this disc is 'Soviet Kitten'.  I'm starting to see a pattern emerging in the songwriting.  Many of the lyrical ideas are punctuated by unusual time signatures.  There are many shifting tempos happening and they can be challenging to follow.  But it's this unusual sound creating their unique style.  'Empty Water' is the most accessible song on the disc and follows the more traditional style of songwriting in Western culture.  Fisher delivers her vocals like a gymnast on the uneven bars.  Her voice soars across the music like a razor blade sharp and clean.

'Wait For The End Of The World' is the final track from this EP and hearing this song is like being hit full on by a Semi!  Of the music on the disc, this song is the one track I hope to see live at some point.  I suspect I'll find myself completely knocked out.  There are a couple short movements throughout the number, but they maintain the drive and tempo.  This one doesn't let you go.

So LITS features a remarkable vocalist...  Some fascinating music...  Interesting ideas and stunning artwork.  There's an untamed quality to the music that could be focused under the hand of a strong producer.  In it's current state, LITS will either inspire a huge dedicated following...  Or fade away under the overbearing weight of popular music.  With the right production, the music could cross over to a mainstream audience without losing the integrity or vision of the band.

This disc has been on heavy rotation in my truck for a couple weeks now and I've enjoyed it.  My final words:  A BRILLIANT AND EXCITING BEGINNING!!!!

01. ( )
02. Clever Dolphin
03. Defective Angel
04. Soviet Kitten
05. Empty Water
06. Wait For The End Of The World

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