Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Anyone who spends time around me knows two very important things... A) I dislike singing in public. I don't like performing in general. B) One of the things that draws me to a disc is if I can sing along to it. At the top of my lungs!!!!

Does that make me creepy or what? Keeping this little inconsistency in mind, if you've listened to Cooler Kids you'll understand my fascination. This short lived band has released a disc of some of the most fun and exciting pop music in history.

The first time I heard Cooler Kids was at a live show. They played with Erasure on their 'Other People's Songs' tour. I was excited to see Erasure and didn't pay much attention to Cooler Kids. If anything, I was annoyed with how bouncy and fluff they were. Sisley was trying to get the crowd excited and I was trying to talk to my friends and ignore them. Towards the end of their set, the band threw out some buttons and cds. I caught one of the cds. Turned out to be a sampler disc of their new cd. I didn't think much of it until one day, while driving in the car, I decided to play it. The mix was incredible so I went out and bought the entire disc.

This is easily a cd I enjoy from start to finish. I find the entire project enjoyable and once I'm in a cooler kids zone, there's no stopping me. I'll sing and carry on for days.

Later on, the members of the band released a second disc. I'll review that one eventually. I enjoyed a short lived correspondence with Kaz Gamble and remember those conversations with fond memory. I'm a complete fan of his now and I've started tracking down some of his other work. He's a great programmer and producer. I've enjoyed his music and look forward to hearing more. I always fantasize that suddenly, Cooler Kids will get some mainstream recognition and return to record more music. This is popular music at its finest. 

I have two versions of this disc.  The first is the regular release and the second is the promotional advance of the album.  It includes an alternate track.  Instead of 'Blue Nile', the advance has the track 'Life After Sex'.  I've read online that the arrangements and mix are slightly different as well, but I can't tell the difference.  Probably because I'm not paying enough attention to the music when I play the discs.  To me, it just sounds awesome.  My final word: BLISS! Find it, buy it and enjoy!

01. All Around The World (Punk Debutante)
02. Morning Star

03. Viva Le Fever

04. Sha La La (Wake Up Next 2 U)

05. Remember That Song

06. Bali Hideaway

07. E Is For Everybody

08. The Last Summer

09. Sugartown

10. Hook Up

11. Blue Nile / Life After Sex

12. All Around The World (Punk Debutante) (Remix)

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