Monday, May 2, 2011


The Dirty Shame is a solo performance featuring Tyler Spencer (AKA Dick Valentine) of Electric Six. I'm not sure I totally understand the entire concept of this record. Or even why it was made at all. Considering what a huge E6 fan I am, it's hard to look at this record objectively. Truth be told, if it wasn't for the music he was doing with E6, I wouldn't even bother with this record. At first listen, there's nothing to really pull you into it. Maybe there's a better way to discuss it...

Here's what's missing: The infectious hooks of E6 material. It's also lacking the funky cross genre adventurism of subsequent Tyler Spencer material. The music is rather straight forward rock. Guitars, drums... Very little effects or synth layering happening here. The dynamic vocal delivery of the Dick Valentine personae is also missing. With one exception, "Vengeance And Fashion" features some bravado, but far less than the E6 version from 'Fire'. The tempo is also more reserved than the majority of E6 material.

Here's what's included: The brilliant lyrics by Spencer are present and accounted for. Though he plays heavily on cliche at times, Spencer seems to brush past the obvious and say something new and unique every time. He develops original ideas and tackles some strange subjects while he's at it. This record is no exception. Take the odd strained narrative of "The International Sign For Radiation"... He leaves as much to the imagination as he reveals. Starting by describing the death of his young mother to the abuse suffered during his father's "nightly" visits. You're not quite sure exactly what he's saying to you. Or maybe you're just hoping you don't understand it. Either way, it's quite brilliant.

I actually found this rare gem of a CD at an Electric Six concert and picked it up for a paltry $10 (paltry when you consider what I've seen it selling for on Ebay). I've been curious to discover what Tyler's side material was like. I must say, of the two projects I know, I prefer Evil Cowards to The Dirty Shame. But I wouldn't consider my E6 collection complete without this odd record filling out the edges.

As I mentioned, I wouldn't have picked this disc up if it wasn't for the Electric Six. The material, although interesting and lyrically compelling isn't enough to make it stand out in my mind. It's more of a collection of demos I could see E6 making more aggressive through better arrangements. My final words: COMPLETE COLLECTION MATERIAL!

01. The International Symbol For Radiation
02. Chinese Restaurant
03. Say Goodnight, Crazy Lady
04. Hospital Bed
05. Vengeance And Fashion
06. Commit No Crime
07. I Thought You Was Dead
08. My Love Is A Knife
09. Surgery
10. Turn Your Parents Against Each Other
11. Who's Gonna Suffer All Your Industrial Accidents?

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