Sunday, November 28, 2010


When you consider what a strange movie "Orgazmo" is, than it might not surprise you to know the soundtrack is just as bizarre. It's an odd collection of music put together on one disc. There's no cohesive theme here, just weirdness wrapped up in weirdness. The first track features Robert Smith of The Cure fame singing a tune by the band Cogasm. 'A Sign From God' is ok and somewhat likable, but hardly up to The Cure standards. And it's not a track I will go out of my way to listen to. The second track by DJ Swamp is kinda cool but lacks anything unique and outstanding to set it apart from most electronic beat tracks. The Crystal Method number 'More' is the first excellent cut on the disc. However, the mid-tempo number isn't strong enough to pull the disc together and it languishes here. Dilated Peoples is a rap number with a great beat, but it doesn't go anywhere. And it's hard to listen to them pronounce dilated as "dia-lated" throughout the song. It's such a huge mispronunciation it grates on the ears.

The next track is the KRS-One number and it features mix production by The Dust Brothers. The beat is mellow, but again, there's no progression. It's another lackluster rap with nothing setting it apart or giving it a real backbone. The "whoop. who
op" is annoying. Not nearly as annoying as the guy yelling "yeah" in the background every four count. Wreckx N' Effect deliver the first and only great hip hop number with 'Rump Shaker'. So far, this is the one track I put the disc in for. It's such a great beat and excellent rapping. Of course the song is all about objectifying women; which is the one negative to a great track. Wu-Tang Clan follow up with the slowest and most boring number on the record. I've never been a huge fan of the Clan but I have come to expect much better than this. It's so boring and repetitive I can imagine the US government using it to torture prisoners of war.

Smashmouth clock in with one of the album's highlight cuts. It's witty and details reasons why men try to compensate for small equipment down below. The Atari Teenage Riot track is a mess of distortion and hardly listenable. It could be a great track but seriously, the distortion is so loud and intense it obscures the track. DVDA, (short for Double Vaginal, Double Anal), is Trey Parker and Matt Stone
taking the Divine approach to camp lyrics and music. It's more irritating than funny. The Head Set track is quite amazing. It sounds like it's from the late 70's/early 80's electronic movement. The vocals are performed by the singer with a thick German accent that serves to make the song even more cool. It's the combination of German electro industrial and strange lyrics, odd vocals that make the track another highlight of the record. If this group is a joke, they're an excellent gag and should be applauded for interesting work. The April March song is based on a line from the movie. It takes a simple statement, "Jesus and I love you" and uses innuendo to make it something perverted and dirty. With boring music and uninspired lyrics, it serves little purpose other than as a conversation piece. Of course if a serious band covered this track, it would be awesome!

The Dust Brothers end the disc with 'Try Your Luck'. They produces and mixed many tracks on this record. For a group with such a reputation, you'd expect more. However, this piece is rather lackluster. On the whole, this album falls short of something truly spectacular. It's on the dull side. I'm glad I didn't buy it. It was given to me as a gift. For that reason, I'm happy to have it, but the overall feel is kinda lame. Of course if you're a die-hard fan of certain groups like The Cure, The Crystal Method or Smashmouth, the disc features tracks you can't find anywhere else. So it's a great disc to have on that basis. My final words: PASS UNLESS YOU'RE COMPLETING A COLLECTION.

01. Cogasm (Featuring Robert Smith) - A Sign From God
02. DJ Swamp - Disintegrator
03. The Crystal Method - More
04. Dilated Peoples - Work The Angles
05. KRS-One - Check It Out
06. Wreckx N' Effect - Rump Shaker
07. Wu-Tang Clan - C.R.E.A.M.
08. Smashmouth - Sorry About Your P#!@s
09. Atari Teenage Riot - SexLawPenetration
10. DVDA (Featuring Trey Parker And Matt Stone) - Now You're A Man
11. Head Set - Twisted Steel, Leather Donut
12. April March - Jesus And I Love You
13. The Dust Brothers - Try Your Luck

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