Friday, October 8, 2010


I hated Wham! when I first heard them. I thought George Michael looked like a male version of Belinda Carlisle. My sister liked them and I automatically hated everyone she liked. Even when he went solo I didn't like him. Granted there were a couple songs on his first disc I liked, but his popularity really turned me off. I thought he was a joke. Even in the 90's I tended to dislike him. My best friends loved him. I just avoided him.

When 'Patience' came out, I had the chance to download the disc and I decided to give it a shot. If nothing else, I'd have it for my friends. What I ended up with left me stunned and silent. I remember the first time I heard the song 'Fastlove'... I thought, "Wow, that's a guy who's really reaching out for understanding and help." Of course, years later you learned his lover had died but he was in the closet and no one knew what he was going through. He reached out with his music to survive a tragedy and basically told the world he was trying to fill his broken heart with empty sex.

What I heard when I listened to 'Patience' was more of the same honesty. This isn't an artist who writes about his personal life and experience using vague metaphors; he really opens up and shares. Certain songs have obvious meaning such as 'My Mother Had A Brother'; which chronicles the story of a sister with a gay brother who commits suicide after she has a son. The son turns out to be gay and learns of his uncle's struggle for equality and how it ultimately discouraged him enough to take his own life. Both 'American Angel' and 'Amazing' deal with his new love. They talk about the salvation he's found in a new partner who's brought feeling back into his life. Whereas 'Older' was George's cry for help and dealt with the death of his lover, 'Patience' is an affirmation that he's survived and found his way back.

There's a great feel to the album with certain songs being absolute club hits. The track 'Shoot The Dog' was released on the UK version and also as a single, but failed to turn up on the American release. The American version being the one I eventually bought. I wish I'd have tracked down the UK version as I really love that song. 'Freeek! '04' is an awesome track. It's highly sexualized dealing with the sexual nature of media, advertising and entertainment in general. He makes a comment on the trend of targeting younger ages with sexual marketing.

With sensitive and emotionally charged lyrics, along with deep club beats and timely themes, 'Patience' is a refreshing and exciting album by an artist I'd never really bothered with. This is the one that's brought me around to George's side. Listen to the gentle fun beats of 'Round Here' and the critical 'Cars And Trains'... I dare you not to enjoy it. My final word: SURPRISING.

01. Patience
02. Amazing
03. John And Elvis Are Dead
04. Cars And Trains
05. Round Here
06. My Mother Had A Brother
07. Flawless (Go To The City)
08. American Angel
09. Precious Box
10. Please Send Me Someone (Anselmo's Song)
11. Freeek! '04
12. Through
13. Shoot The Dog (Internet Bonus Track)

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